Thursday, March 5, 2020

Gain Leadership Skills Working at a Summer Camp

Gain Leadership Skills Working at a Summer Camp So how can you gain this experience prior to entering the job industry? For many, becoming a camp counselor is a great way to gain this experience. Don’t believe me? Here are ways in which you can gain leadership skills by working at a summer camp. 1. Organizational skills Being an organized person may not seem like a marketable skill for leaders, but it’s one of the most important. Have you ever worked for a person that was disorganized? Or had a teacher that was disorganized? What was that experience like? For many, this is a huge red flag, and more often than not, companies that are disorganized have higher turnover rates. So gaining these organizational skills early on is essential to your marketability. Simply having a schedule for the day, or keeping track of your kids is a great way to enhance these skills. 2. Compassion Again, this might not seem all that important, but being a compassionate leader is another huge bonus. While you will need to be strict at times, showing compassion to your employees and demonstrating their value is going to set you apart from the competition. Simply helping your kids when they need it, or trying to put yourself in their shoes, will help you to gain this experience and you’ll be much more likely to know what to do in future, professional situations as well. 3. Becoming an enforcer This is not typically a favorite part of the job, but again, it’s one that’s necessary. You will need to be a strict boss as well as a compassionate one, as there’s a certain level of authority that will need to be maintained. The same goes for summer camp. Your kids need to know that you’re in charge and understand your authority. While you don’t want them to fear you, you don’t want them to feel like they shouldn’t respect you either. Once you find that happy medium, you’ll be ready for your future role as a leader! 4. Captivating an audience Being a leader largely means “leading.” I know, shocking right? Leading doesn’t necessarily mean hand-holding, but it does mean inspiring and motivating those beneath you to strive for more. The more motivating you are, the more likely you’ll have many followers in the years to come. You can start on these skills as a camp counselor. Be the counselor that the students want to have. Be the counselor that inspires and motivates them daily. Then, you’ll have gained this experience. 5. Troubleshooting problems Again, this isn’t an easy part of the job, but it’s another necessary one. You will undoubtedly encounter problems as a leader. Whether this is between two employees or more personal, issues such as this arise all the time. Part of being a good leader is being able to troubleshoot these problems. If you have two kids that fight continually, figure out a way to change that. Maybe force them to work together, maybe you will separate them. Whatever the choice, make sure you’re doing the right thing for all that are involved. As a leader, troubleshooting problems like this will be a part of your daily job description, so it’s best to begin now. 6. Responsibility Finally, but definitely not least, you will need to gain some experience in terms of responsibility. This doesn’t always just mean getting up and showing up to work on time, but can also mean taking responsibility for your actions and/or mistakes. Being a good leader means you’re responsible and hold yourself to a high standard. Start that here. If there’s a code of ethics you need to follow, adhere to it. If there’s a higher level opportunity available to you, take it, and do it well. Be responsible for not only yourself and your actions but also your kids, as they are a reflection of you just as your employees would be. Responsibility extends far in the industry, so make sure you’re well-rounded prior to applying. Again, leadership skills are going to be hugely important when it comes to your job search. The more experience you have in this regard, the more marketable your resume is going to be. While there are countless ways to gain this experience prior to entering the workforce, one of the easiest is to take a job as a camp counselor at a summer camp. You’ll learn everything you need to in order to obtain an entry-level position in the industry and will ultimately find the experience will set you apart from your competition.

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